Beauty29 Jul 20243 MIN

Ready to take the ancient beauty route?

Elevate your wedding-day glow with Ayurveda—it’s simpler than you think

Couples often focus on every little detail when planning a wedding—from outfits to decor to entertainment. In all of this, it’s easy to forget self-care. We get it’s not always easy, especially with the hectic schedule leading up to the big day. So we spoke to Shweta Shah, a celebrity nutritionist with over 20 years of experience, to get her easy tips on how brides and grooms can seamlessly integrate the principles of Ayurveda into their respective regimens. The best part? No restrictive eating here. You’ll look and feel amazing without the fuss.


The balance advantage

“A balanced diet is crucial for brides,” says Shah. “Your primary goals should be maintaining high energy levels, keeping your skin glowing and ensuring smooth digestion.” In Ayurveda, it's recommended to include the six tastes—sweet, sour, salty, bitter, astringent and pungent—in your meals. This helps prevent sugar cravings, common during stressful times like wedding planning.

Start your day with a nutritious breakfast, but avoid mixing fruits with milk, as they are considered viruddha ahaar (incompatible foods) and can cause skin issues like acne. Quick additions like sprouts in poha or overnight oats with almond milk can help meet your dietary needs. 

Kickstart your day with a bang

Starting your day with an Ayurvedic decoction can significantly improve digestion. For instance, a tablespoon of coriander seeds steeped in water can help with bloating and gas. Bay leaf water is good for water retention, and a mix of flax seeds and three strands of saffron can help with acne. Pair these with pre-soaked black raisins to keep your blood alkaline. “Couples often eat out, and these decoctions can help manage acid reflux,” says Shah. Herbs like Shatavari and ashwagandha can also boost the immune system and reduce anxiety.

Crush your cravings

Cravings are common, and Ayurveda serves up some delicious homemade meals as a solution. Simple snacks like dry bhel, beetroot patties, sweet potato chaat, egg white omelettes, apples with almond butter, and hummus with carrot or celery sticks are not just easy, on-the-go options but also satiating. Vegetable juices are also a great way to get your nutrients in. Shah recommends a blend of pomegranate, five curry leaves, mint, and a celery stem for glowing skin. Stress-induced constipation can be alleviated with gooseberries, mint, and coriander.

With celebrations in full swing, it's easy to indulge in processed foods and sweets. Shah advises that even simple habits like eating a banana daily or having a lemon shot (half a lemon, hing, black pepper powder, and black salt) can make a difference. “A month before the wedding, it can be challenging to maintain a proper diet. Portion control and decoctions can be lifesavers. Sometimes,even two meals a day are enough to avoid digestive issues.”

Find your calm

While nutrition is vital, complimenting it with mindful practices can enhance your well-being. “Dedicate 15 minutes twice a day to deep breathing exercises to reduce stress. Chandanwari foot massages, castor oil packs for skin and hair, and shatpavali (walking 100 steps after a meal) or sitting in vajrasana for five minutes are sustainable practices that can benefit you even beyond your wedding day.”